

CAMELOT (Film & Sound Track)


Camelot (musica and sound trackl) – 1967

Camelot is a 1967 American musical drama film directed by Joshua Logan and starring Richard Harris as King Arthur, Vanessa Redgrave as Guenevere, and Franco Nero as Lancelot. The film is an adaptation of the homonymous musical by Alan Jay Lerner and Frederick Loewe. Lerner also wrote the screenplay.

In the opening scene, King Arthur (Richard Harris) is preparing for a great battle against his friend, Sir Lancelot (Franco Nero), a battle he does not wish to fight but has been forced into. Arthur reflects on the sad circumstances which have led him to this situation, and asks his childhood mentor, Merlyn, for advice. Merlyn appears to him and tells Arthur to think back.

Arthur thinks back to the night of his marriage to his now-estranged wife, Guenevere. It is an arranged marriage, and he has never met her before. He is understandably afraid of what lies ahead (“I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight”). His solitude is broken by Guenevere and her entourage. Guenevere is also worried about marrying a man she has never met, and longs for an easier life (“The Simple Joys of Maidenhood”). Like Arthur, she flees from her entourage to reflect on her future. Arthur (overhearing Guenevere and realizing who she is) accidentally falls out of the tree in which he is hiding. He and Guenevere converse, as she does not know his true identity, and realize they have things in common. Arthur tells her what a wonderful place his kingdom is (“Camelot”) and they almost kiss, but are interrupted by men sent to find Arthur. The king’s identity is revealed, and although Arthur gives Guenevere the chance to leave she gladly goes back with him to be married.

The plot shifts to five years later. Arthur confides to Guenevere his idea for a “Round Table” that would seat all the noble knights of the realm, reflecting not only a crude type of democratic ideal, but also the political unification of England. Knights are shown gathering from all over England. The plot shifts another five years, and word of Arthur’s Round Table spreads to France. Inspired by Arthur’s ideas, the self-righteous French knight Lancelot makes his way to England with his squire Dep, boasting of his superior virtues (“C’est Moi”). Lancelot’s prowess impresses Arthur and they become friends, but many of the knights despise Lancelot for his self-righteousness.

Guenevere also dislikes Lancelot at first, and, to Arthur’s chagrin (“How to Handle a Woman”), incites three of the best knights – Sir Lionel, Sir Sagramore, and Sir Dinadan – to challenge him to a joust (“Then You May Take Me To The Fair”). However, the plan goes awry as Lancelot easily defeats all three, almost killing Sir Dinadan (Sir Lionel in the stage version). A horrified Lancelot pleads for Sir Dinadan to live, and as he lays hands on him, Dinadan miraculously recovers. Guenevere is so impressed that her feelings for Lancelot begin to change. Soon afterwards, it is revealed that, despite his vows of celibacy, Lancelot is in love with Guenevere, leading to the famous love triangle involving Arthur, Guenevere, and Lancelot. Guenevere knows it is wrong and tries to get Lancelot out of her life, but he refuses to leave (“If Ever I Would Leave You”). Arthur realizes something is going on between Lancelot and Guenevere but cannot bring himself to alienate either of them, and so turns a blind eye. Mordred (David Hemmings), Arthur’s illegitimate son from an affair with Morgause (Arthur’s unknown half-sister in some versions of the legend), arrives at Camelot, bitter at Arthur’s refusal to recognize him and determined to bring down the fellowship of the Round Table by stirring up trouble. All this takes its toll on Arthur’s disposition, and Guenevere tries, but fails, to cheer him up (“What Do the Simple Folk Do?”).

Mordred cunningly convinces Arthur to stay out hunting all night as a test, knowing Lancelot will visit Guenevere in her bedchamber. Everything happens as Mordred expected. Guenevere admits her feelings for Lancelot but still feels guilty (“I Loved You Once In Silence”). Mordred rouses several knights and they catch the lovers together, as he planned. Lancelot escapes but Guenevere is arrested and sentenced to die at the stake. Arthur, who has promoted the rule of law throughout the story, is now bound by his own law—he can make no special exceptions for his own wife. Preparations are made for Guenevere’s burning (“Guenevere”), but Lancelot rescues her at the last minute, much to Arthur’s relief.

In the film’s final scene, we return to the opening. Arthur is preparing for battle against Lancelot, at the insistence of his knights who want revenge, and England appears headed into the Dark Ages. He suddenly receives a surprise visit from Lancelot and Guenevere, who has become a nun. Arthur and Guenevere share an emotional farewell. The battle must continue, however. Prior to the battle, Arthur stumbles across a young boy named Tom, who wishes to become a Knight of the Round Table. Arthur is skeptical at first, but Tom espouses his commitment to Arthur’s original ideal of “Not might makes right, but might for right.” Arthur realizes that, although most of his plans have fallen through, the ideals of Camelot still live on in this simple boy. Arthur knights Tom and gives him his orders—run behind the lines and survive the battle, so he can tell future generations about the legend of Camelot. Watching Tom leave, Arthur regains his hope for the future (“Camelot (reprise)”).

Differences between stage and screen versions

Several songs were omitted from the film version: “The Jousts”, a choral episode in which the jousts, which occur offstage in the play, are described (in the film they are shown); “Before I Gaze At You Again”, sung by Guenevere to an offstage Lancelot; “The Seven Deadly Virtues”, sung by Mordred; “Persuasion”, sung in a scene not in the film, in which Mordred persuades Morgan Le Fay, who is omitted from the film’s screenplay, to conjure up an enchantment to keep Arthur in the forest so that Guenevere and Lancelot’s affair can be exposed; and “Fie On Goodness!”, sung by the knights, in which they bemoan the fact that they are no longer allowed to administer punishment no matter how inappropriate, but according to the law. (Actually, some of these songs were cut during the original Broadway run of “Camelot”, because they made the play too long. However, they were restored for the London production starring Laurence Harvey and Elizabeth Larner.)

The lyrics of the song “Follow Me”, which was sung in the play by the water nymph Nimue to entice Merlyn to her cave, were completely rewritten and the song was sung by an offscreen chorus in a new scene written for the film. Nimue does not appear in the film.


Richard Harris as King Arthur
Vanessa Redgrave as Guenevere
Franco Nero as Lancelot du Lac
David Hemmings as Mordred
Lionel Jeffries as King Pellinore
Laurence Naismith as Merlyn
Pierre Olaf as Dap
Estelle Winwood as Lady Clarinda
Gary Marshal as Sir Lionel
Anthony Rogers as Sir Dinadan
Peter Bromilow as Sir Sagramore
Sue Casey as Lady Sibyl
Gary Marsh as Tom of Warwick
Nicolas Beauvy as young Arthur


Prelude and Overture – Orchestra
I Wonder What the King is Doing Tonight – Arthur
The Simple Joys of Maidenhood – Guenevere
Camelot and the Wedding Ceremony – Arthur, Guenevere, and Chorus
C’est Moi – Lancelot
The Lusty Month of May – Guenevere and Women
Follow Me and Children’s Chorus – Chorus
How to Handle a Woman – Arthur
Take Me to the Fair – Guenevere, Lionel, Dinadan, Sagramore
If Ever I Would Leave You – Lancelot
What Do the Simple Folk Do? – Guenevere and Arthur
I Loved You Once In Silence – Guenevere
Guenevere – Chorus
Finale Ultimo – Arthur and Tom