


The Rickenbacker International Corporation grew out of the first company founded for the sole purpose of creating and manufacturing fully electric musical instruments and amplifiers


Description: Guitars, USA
Known For: Guitar and Amplification Manufacturers
Location: Santa Ana, California, United States of America


Representative: Rickenbacker International Corporation
Contact Address: Santa Ana, California, USA



Rickenbacker International Corporation

Also known as Rickenbacker is an electric guitar manufacturer, notable for putting the world’s first electric guitars into general production in 1932.

All production takes place at its headquarters in Santa Ana,California.

Rickenbacker is the largest guitar company to manufacture all of their guitars within the United States.

The company was founded as the curiously-named Ro-Pat-In Corporation by Adolph Rickenbacher and George Beauchamp in 1931 to sell electric “Hawaiian” guitars which had been designed by Beauchamp, helped by his fellow employees at the National String Instruments Corporation, Paul Barth and Harry Watson.

For these guitars, they ultimately chose the brand name Rickenbacher later changed to Rickenbacker, though early examples tend to have an Electro brandname on the headstock.

These instruments, nicknamed “frying pans” due to their long necks and circular bodies.

They had huge pickups with a pair of horseshoe magnets that arched over the top of the strings. By the time production ceased in 1939, several thousand frying pans had been produced.

Electro String also sold amplifiers to go along with their electric guitars.

A Los Angeles radio manufacturer, Mr. Van Nest, designed the first Electro String production-model amp.

Shortly thereafter, design engineer Ralph Robertson was hired to further develop the amplifiers and by the 1940s at least four different Rickenbacker amplifier models were made available.

James B. Lansing of the Lansing Manufacturing Company designed the speaker in the Rickenbacker professional model.

During the early 1940s, Rickenbacker amps were sometimes repaired by fellow Californian Leo Fender, whose repair shop soon evolved into the Fender Electric Instrument Manufacturing Company.

The origins of today’s Rickenbacker Guitar Corporation begin with two men: George Beauchamp and Adolph Rickenbacher.

During the 1960s, Rickenbacker would enjoy an incredible endorsement when a couple of Rickenbacker models became permanently intertwined with the sound and look of the most popular band of the 1960s and arguably the most influential band of the 20th century: The Beatles.

The above portion has been taken from Wikipedia from the above web address where all information may be obtained in-depth.

Also the web address of Rickenbacker International Corporation above.

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia